Prunus avium – Cherry tree – Kersieboom
The Cherry tree (Prunus avium) is native to parts of Europe, Turkey, Africa, and Asia.… Prunus avium – Cherry tree – Kersieboom
The Cherry tree (Prunus avium) is native to parts of Europe, Turkey, Africa, and Asia.… Prunus avium – Cherry tree – Kersieboom
Diospyros whyteana, commonly known as the Bladder-nut, is native to much of South Africa and… Diospyros whyteana – Bladder-nut – Swartbas – Munyavhili
Berchemia discolor, also known as the Brown Ivory tree, is a widespread tree or shrub… Berchemia discolor – Brown ivory – Voëlpruim – Nyiyi
Known for its hardy nature, Persea americana ‘Fuerte’ is one of the most popular avocado… Persea americana – Avocado ‘Fuerte variety’
For a perfect screening tree in a townhouse or small garden, consider the Pambati tree.… Anastrabe integerrima – Pambati tree – Pambatieboom – isiPambatho
Prunus serrulata, commonly known as the Japanese cherry tree, is native to Japan, China, Korea,… Prunus serrulata – Flowering cherry – Cherry blossom
Boscia albitrunca, commonly known as the Shepherd’s tree or ‘Tree of Life,’ holds ecological, cultural,… Boscia albitrunca – Shepherd’s tree – Xukutsi – Witgat
The exact origin of the apricot remains a mystery, but it is thought to have… Prunus armeniaca – Apricot
Known as the Goat willow or Pussy willow, Salix caprea is a tree native to… Salix caprea – Goat willow – Pussy willow
The genus name, Quercus, is the Latin name for oak trees. The species name robur means “robust’ and… Quercus robur – English oak