Steganotaenia araliacea – Carrot tree – Geelwortelboom
A fairly rare deciduous tree, Steganotaenia araliacea is indigenous and found in the Southern regions… Steganotaenia araliacea – Carrot tree – Geelwortelboom
A fairly rare deciduous tree, Steganotaenia araliacea is indigenous and found in the Southern regions… Steganotaenia araliacea – Carrot tree – Geelwortelboom
Previously known as Acacia nigrescens, the Knob thorn is an indigenous tree that grows to… Senegalia nigrescens – Knob thorn – Knoppiesdoring
Indigenous to South Africa, endemic to the Karoo desert where it grows among boulders on… Buddleja glomerata – Karoo Sagewood – Niesbos
The pretty Noltea africana is becoming very popular as a landscaping tree, due to its… Noltea africana – Soap dogwood – Seepblinkblaar
The Tamboti, also known as the ‘Jumping bean tree’, averages 7 – 9m in height,… Spirostachys africana – Tamboti – Tambotie
Indigenous to South Africa, Croton gratissimus is a tall shrub or small tree that flourishes… Croton gratissimus – Lavender Fever Berry – Bergboegoe
Previously known as the Acacia sieberiana, the indigenous Paperbark tree is easily identified by its… Acacia sieberiana/Vachellia sieberiana var. woodii/Paperbark tree